The Oracle and Static Time
Since its founding in 2016 CT (Chronological time), Okay Vending has developed a variety of coin-operated experiences that entertain audiences for decades. One such popular innovation is the oracle: a box that answers yes or no questions for only a few quarters. But how does the oracle work? does it really predict the future or is it just another psychic scam? The Answer: Yes, No, and Maybe.

To understand how the oracle works, we must first have an understanding of how time works. all events in time are predetermined, and exist in an immutable state. Our perception of time “Passing” is actually a misobservation of ourselves moving past the static expanse of time. We can only experience time unidirectionally withevery event unfolding sequentially.
You may now be wondering how this affects self-determination. Not to worry, your free will remains intact – with the caveat that you’ve already made every decision you’ll ever face. causality of events is an illusion, as both cause and effect exist regardless of the other. Cause “leads to” effect in one direction just as naturally as effect “leads to” cause in the opposite direction. Viewed from another axis, the successiveness of two moments in time is nonexistent.

Quarteration Diagram
A whole One divided and divided again becomes quartered. Each quarter represents a percentage that when added equals One.

Apophenic compression
As the correlation gap widens toward infinity, true connection approaches zero. Regardless of correlation, the apophenic connection remains steadfast.
So how can the Oracle make predictions about events that haven’t yet occurred? Keep in mind that The future as we perceive it is any moment in time that our body has not yet passed through. To “predict” the future is to guess the state of a predetermined event. It would be more accurate to say that the Oracle can “tell” the future, as it’s merely reporting events as they exist inthe entirety of time, unbound from the linear human perception.
Answer accuracy is achieved through the observation of reflective planes outside of time. The physical result of these observations manifests in passive eventuality: despite cards being unintentionally arranged, each card will always find its way into the hand of the one individual, with the one question, that it was intended to answer.

Seer’s Triangle
The three-sided coin of divination. Each face distinct, but related to the other the others either by combination, reflection, or fraction.

Hierarchy of Principles
A reversed pyramid of values funnels down and condenses into their pure expression: the all-seeing Eye of the Oracle.